Cinematic Urban Geographies
Thursday, 3 October 2013 to Friday, 4 October 2013
Location: CRASSH, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DT - SG1&2
Location: CRASSH, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DT - SG1&2
François Penz (Architecture Department, University of Cambridge)
Richard Koeck (School of Architecture, University of Liverpool)
Chris Speed (Edinburgh College of Art)
Andrew Saint (English Heritage)
Chris Speed (Edinburgh College of Art)
Andrew Saint (English Heritage)
The Cinematic Urban Geographies conference aims to explore the different facets by which cinema and the moving image contribute to our understanding of cities and their topographies. This event will be the final act of an AHRC research project entitled Cinematic Geographies of Battersea.
The Cambridge conference will offer a unique opportunity to debate issues of cinematic geographies, filmic urban characterisation within the cultural & social dimension and database cinema (metadata) as well as film archives and the locative media potential afforded by the new generation of mobile phones.
The conference will take place over two days – corresponding to two complementary themes:
Theme 1 probes the many trajectories and points of contact between the cinema and its topographic context. This opens a number of sub-themes, including:
- films as sites of memories –lieux de mémoires (after Pierre Nora)
- ‘movie centric’ maps of cities – map-reading and ciné-tourism
- cinematic cityscapes within social & cultural practices
- cartographic cinema: the role of maps in films
- cinematic cartography: the cinematic appeal of maps
Theme 2 is concerned with the process of cinematic restitution at the place where films were shot – probing the issue of bringing the invisible filmic material layered over the city to life –through the sub-themes:
- visualising the cinematic urban archaeology of a city
- geo-locating movies in the city – mobile Apps
- public engagement with local films through social networking
- database cinema – meta cinema – cinemetrics
- virtual cinematic sites of memories
Call for Papers
We welcome abstracts of no more than 500 words in one of the two main conference themes, with a perspective relating to one of the sub-themes. Conference papers should take 20 minutes to read. A separate cover-page should be submitted with the title of the paper and the name, affiliation, e-mail address and full postal contact information of the author. The abstract and cover-page should be sent as a Word doc or pdf file via e-mail to, with the subject heading: 'CUG paper submission'. Please indicate which of the listed sub-themes you would like to contribute to.
10 minutes x 1 image/clip
We also strongly encourage graduate students and early career researchers to present work-in-progress in the 10 minutes x 1 image session, on one of the two main conference themes. We welcome abstracts of no more than 250 words. A separate cover-sheet should be submitted with the title of the paper, the name, affiliation and full contact information of the author. The abstract and cover-page should be sent as a Word doc or pdf file via e-mail to, with the subject heading ‘CUG 10x1 submission’. Please indicate which of the listed sub-themes you would like to contribute to.
The deadline for abstract submissions is 1 July 2013 and all applicants will be notified of the outcome by 15 July 2013.

Supported by the Centre for Research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CRASSH), the Architecture Department and the AHRC.
Accommodation for non-paper giving delegates
We are unable to arrange accommodation, however, the following websites may be of help.
NB. CRASSH is not able to help with the booking of accommodation.
Administrative assistance: